
What is the meaning of sealants?

Sealants are thin, transparent coverings that can be applied to the molars. Their main function is to protect against cavities and deep staining that would otherwise happen without them. One of the advantages of sealants is that they are suitable for people of all ages, including children and adults. Generally, sealants can last for up to three years before naturally wearing away.

What are the potential advantages of getting sealants?

Sealants can be beneficial for you due to the presence of grooves, deep fissures, and pitting on your back teeth. These characteristics often make it challenging to maintain proper dental hygiene. Additionally, these areas are prone to deep staining and are more susceptible to tooth decay. Whether you are a child or an adult, getting sealants placed can be advantageous for you.

Qualifications for sealant candidates?

By conducting a comprehensive evaluation, we can ascertain whether sealants are suitable for your needs. Sealants are highly beneficial for patients of all age groups, but we particularly recommend them for our young patients who may not have mastered proper brushing and flossing techniques yet. If you already have older sealants, we can effortlessly replace them at our office whenever it is convenient for you. It is important to note that sealants naturally wear away within approximately one to three years after their initial application.

What occurs during the sealant procedure?

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